Friday, December 30, 2016
Thursday, December 29, 2016
today's outfit
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
latest pickups...
Leica Elmarit 28mm ƒ/2.8
Sunday, December 25, 2016
merry christmas everyone!
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
How to See in Black-and-White
"Color, in many ways, is the essence of life. Our eyes and brains are built to see it. Brand identities are built on it. And so are our personal fashion sensibilities (there weren’t a lot of goth kids at my high school wearing pink). Folklore based on color can be traced back thousands of years. Nian, for example, the Chinese beast who attacks people and has a particularly insatiable appetite for children, is said to fear the color red.
So when setting out to “see in black-and-white” you can imagine there will be some evolutionary challenges to overcome. But before we tackle these challenges, a disclaimer: the journey and tips I’m about to tell you are my own. Your journey will differ, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Enjoy the challenge of seeing things differently and don’t sweat the results too much. Seeing in black-and-white and reacting to it instinctively à la Ansel Adams is something that requires a lifetime of practice, and though I’ve been doing it for years, mastery still eludes me..."
for the full feature head over to Casual Photophile.
source: Casual Photophile
Monday, December 19, 2016
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Mike Skinner On 97
"You were in Birmingham in 1997, what was happening then – what can you tell us about the musical landscape at that time?"
"97, for me personally, was all about speed garage. Grime was when I came to London in like 2001 and before that, around 95, was house. Birmingham was a funny one because I hung out with guys that were rappers, really, because I used to record other rappers. Because we were from, like the suburbs really, I didn’t really feel safe at Drum’n’Bass events at that time. It did quickly go quite studenty, probably around 97. Certainly before 97 going to drum ‘n’ bass events wasn’t really, I mean it was alright but it was always something; someone firing a gun or kicking off. I wasn’t really into that. You know, ecstasy and gun fire doesn’t really go together. Weirdly, speed garage really worked for us because they played it in all the House clubs. Because it started with Armand Van Helden putting those sort of big jungle basslines on house records, so it really started in house clubs. The House clubs at that time were quite safe, you know, although they did try and put on a few bassline events at the Que Club and that was a total nightmare..."
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Friday, December 09, 2016
Wednesday, December 07, 2016
Hiroshi Fujiwara Is the Living Internet
Hiroshi was born around the corner from Ise Jingū, a Shinto shrine that is arguably the most sacred spot in Japan. We can all be thankful that Ise is in the sticks and that our hero was so bored in the boonies that he began scanning the horizon for something more. The punk rock scene was in full swing, and he was off to London as soon as he could manage. There are pictures around of that skinny kid—maybe with Malcolm McLaren—circa 1983. Coming from a country where the rules were strict and business was king, Hiroshi was hungry for new energy. And so he became a pioneer pirate, sailing from one island to another, serving as a cultural conduit..."
Monday, December 05, 2016
Sunday, December 04, 2016
Freemans Sporting Club Oiled Canvas Down Parka

pic source: Freemans Sporting Club
Saturday, December 03, 2016
45 years ago: Technical cooperation between Leitz and Minolta
How did the cooperation between Leitz and Minolta come to life and how did it evolve, recalled in an interview by the then managing director of Ernst Leitz GmbH, Dr. Knut Kühn-Leitz..."
for the full feature head over to photoscala (in german though, but can be translated on page).
source: photoscala